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In his new exhibition Suspended States at London’s Serpentine Gallery, artist Yinka Shonibare looks at the impact of imperial ambition. Queen Victoria, Winston Churchill...


Born into a world awash in racism and sexism, the singer Billie Holiday soon became a beloved voice, known for her unique, jazz-influenced style....


In 1965, James Baldwin and William F. Buckley — thought leaders from dramatically different backgrounds — made plans to debate race relations and the...


Today, many are familiar with the term “filibuster,” a procedure to prolong debate and delay a vote — but less well-known is its complicated...


Although the 13th Amendment passed the Senate in 1864 and the House in 1865, the loopholes that exist continue to wreak havoc on the...


After joining the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X became known as a human rights activist whose teachings led the charge of black progression during...


In 1973, DJ Kool Herc set up his turntables and introduced a technique at a South Bronx house party that would change music as...


Robert Smalls was born into slavery and pushed into fighting for the Confederacy during the Civil War. However, at the age of 23, he...


The civil rights movement was an organized effort where African-Americans united and rallied to put black progressiveness at the forefront of a nation that...


In 1872, Booker T. Washington traveled 500 miles on foot to the Hampton Institute in Virginia. That journey, in turn, laid the foundation —...


Electrified by the rhetoric of Malcolm X, founding members Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale created an organization aimed at protecting the Black community...


Born in the heart of New Orleans, Louisiana, jazz made its way onto the scene. With African-Americans at the helm, the red-light district housed...

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